
Information letter Boompjes Residential #14
In this 14th edition of the Clubhouse Boompjes newsletter, we provide an update on the latest construction activities and look ahead to the final stages of the project. Fit-out stage — exterior The exterior of the residential towers is nearing completion: the façades are sealed, most balconies are installed and the rooftops are landscaped. Furthermore, […]

Information letter Boompjes Residental #13
Dear Residents and Business Owners, Both Clubhouse Boompjes residential towers have now almost reached their ultimate height. In this newsletter, we provide you with an update on the construction activities scheduled for the coming period. Topping outThe project is reaching its projected height with the work on the roof floor of the lower tower (adjacent […]

Information letter Boompjes Residental #12
Dear Residents and Business Owners, In this 12th edition of the Clubhouse Boompjes project newsletter, we are pleased to provide an update on construction progress and future plans. Construction progress The Clubhouse Boompjes project includes several phases and components that are being carried out concurrently. The construction of the tower on the Terraced Tower side […]

Information letter Boompjes Residential #11
Dear Residents and Business Owners, In this newsletter, we provide you with an update on the work so far and the construction activities scheduled for the coming period. Widening of construction site Over the course of a year, starting from the bottom level, the construction team has worked hard to construct two visible towers. Now […]

Information letter Boompjes Residential #10
Dear Residents and Business Owners, The construction of Clubhouse Boompjes is in full swing, and progress on the building site is clearly visible from the street. This information letter provides an update on the work so far. Underground phase completed Throughout the summer, the construction team worked hard on the concrete structure of the basement, […]

Information letter Boompjes Residential #9
Dear Residents and Business Owners, Our last update was in November 2021. In this ninth newsletter, we inform you about the progress of construction activities and plans for the coming period. Preparation work for laying the foundations has been completed and the construction pit excavated to its lowest point, uncovering the foundation piles. The […]

Information Letter Boompjes Residential #8
Dear Residents and Business Owners, In this eighth information letter, we update you on the upcoming construction activities at the Clubhouse Boompjes site. During recent months, we have been carrying out drilling operations for about 400 foundation piles. This phase is now complete and various preparatory activities for starting work on the foundation are currently […]

Information letter Boompjes Residential Towers #7
Dear Residents and Business Owners, In this seventh information letter, we look back on the last few weeks and look ahead towards the next construction phase. Recent weeksAt the beginning of June, we began the pile driving work. We will place a total of 400 foundation piles by first pre-drilling the soil, after which another […]

Information letter Boompjes Residential Towers #6
Dear Residents and Business Owners, In this sixth information letter, we look back on the last few weeks and provide an update on construction progress. Recent weeksIn March, we placed all the anchor piles in the ground. Then, in April, the basement was completely demolished and the construction pit was excavated. Parallel to these works, […]

Information letter Boompjes Residential Towers #5
Dear Residents and Business Owners, On Wednesday, 17 February 2021, Rotterdam councillor Bas Kurvers (Construction, Housing and Built Environment Energy Transition) unveiled the name of the new residential towers at the Boompjes: ‘Clubhouse Boompjes’. The councillor was joined by Wim Wensing, CIO of Amvest, for the symbolic website launch of this new living concept, which […]