Information letter Boompjes Residental #13
Dear Residents and Business Owners,
Both Clubhouse Boompjes residential towers have now almost reached their ultimate height. In this newsletter, we provide you with an update on the construction activities scheduled for the coming period.
Topping out
The project is reaching its projected height with the work on the roof floor of the lower tower (adjacent to the Rijkswaterstaat building). However, topping out will take place at a height of 100 metres, on the roof of the higher tower (on the Terraced Tower side).
This is scheduled for spring 2024, a milestone that will be celebrated extensively with all project partners. Topping out will also mark the completion of the structural stage of the project.
As announced in the previous newsletter, an additional phase has been added to the construction activities: fitting-out of the apartments. This includes completing all the finishing work so that the apartments are ready for use. We discuss the final structural work and fit-out in more detail below.
The interior walls are constructed from metal studs, a wall system consisting of a metal frame onto which plasterboard panels are screwed. By placing insulation between the plasterboard walls, a relatively high soundproofing level can be achieved. Screeds are laid on the concrete floors into which underfloor heating is incorporated.
The final fit-out work has already started. This includes tiling the bathrooms, spray painting the ceilings and hanging the doors. The toilets and kitchens will also be fitted during this stage.
Show house
A show house was created at the start of the fit-out stage as a reference point for the level of finishing and the look and feel of the apartments. The other 341 homes will be finished to the same level as the show house.
Letting started
Letting of the apartments recently began through clubhouseboompjes.nl, not Cordeel. You can view all rental prices per apartment on that website. There are six types, including ‘co-living apartments’, where two or more friends live together and everyone has their own bedroom and bathroom. There is also a large communal living room and a shared kitchen. Would you like to apply for one of the apartments? You must complete your registration no later than 10 April on the Clubhouse Boompjes website.
Construction Day
Save the date! On Saturday, 8 June 2024, we will open the Clubhouse Boompjes construction project in Rotterdam to the public. Young and old alike are welcome to talk to our project team, client Amvest, construction partners Unica (overall installer) and Team V Architecture and letting agent Uppmärk. More information on visiting times, activities and so on will be announced at a later date.
If you have any questions, please email us at info.boompjes@cordeel.eu. Your queries will be dealt with within one working day.